Non Fiction

Living Is No Laughing Matter: A Primer On Existential Optimism

Michael Hogan


Product Description

Editorial : Fondo Editorial Universitario (8 Octubre 2020)

How did death camp inmates such as Viktor Frankl, Elie Wiesel and Bruno Bettelheim not only survive Nazi captivity, but create lives of hopefulness? How does one find purpose for one’s life after the death of a beloved child? How can the prisoner in maximum security hope to come out a better person despite the degradation and brutality of confinement? How can ordinary folks carve meaning in their lives in times of economic hardship and quarantines? Living Is No Laughing Matter, provides some paths to self-fulfilment especially in times of grief, isolation, or extraordinary stress. Written by a well-known educator who has worked with university and high school students, prison inmates, and at-risk populations, it utilizes a variety of illustrations, including testimonies of death camp survivors, contemporary poetry, transcendental philosophy, personal memoir, and the philosophies of William James and Viktor Frankl.

Product Details

Format: Kindle Edition

File Size: 3053 KB

Sold by: Services LLC

Language: English